lundi 6 juin 2011

Moppelkotze : Der Freie Westen und die EU – Vorbild für die Welt.

Moppelkotze : Der Freie Westen und die EU – Vorbild für die Welt.

27 de maig de 2011 - Els Mossos d'Esquadra i Guàrdia Urbana han desallotjat aquest matí el campament d'indignats de Plaça Catalunya.

it happened it 1999 in Seattle, WA during the WTO meeting against unions, the police had attacked several college students who protested and majority of them got away with it. It happened in the 1960s with the Civil Rights movement and also Kent University during the 1970s and they got away with it. History has a funny way of reminding HOW MANY TIMES THIS HAPPENS!

The cops are obviously hitting rioting hippies who are apparently fucking retarded they are getting hitt the cops are just trying to get every one to leave hippies just wanted to keep getting hit dumb fuckes cops should've just got river bullets and fucked all them retarded ass people up...

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