Easy and Difficult Cancer Detected - Some types of cancer easier to treat when detected in early stages due to a higher recovery rate. But not all types of cancer easier to detect. Any cancer that is easy and hard to detect?
Person’s body consists of many types of cells that will grow, divide and then die. Sometimes these cells have mutations that grow and divide faster than normal cells.
Clumps of these abnormal cells will form tumors, these tumors are malignant if that is attacking and killing healthy tissue in the body then it is called with cancer.
Some types of cancer known to be easily detected even by themselves, but some others are harder to detect because there are no typical symptoms that arise at an early stage.
Here are some types of cancer that is easy and difficult to detect, as quoted from Medicinenet and Mayo Clinic on Monday (1/31/2011), namely:
Cancer is easily detected
Skin cancer
Skin cancer, including cancers that easy to detect, because in most cases symptoms arise yng looks like the new growth on the skin, sores that do not heal, changes in shape or color of a mole as well as other changes in the skin. If there are symptoms of this gejaal should immediately consult a physician.
Testicular Cancer
This cancer most often occurs between the ages of 15-34 years. Most of these cancers detected by oneself is to find a lump that became big, unusual pain or illness. Therefore men should meemriksakan testicles regularly so they can know the changes that occur.
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is generally easy to detect, especially by yourself, the earlier the detection, the chance for complete recovery will be greater. Early detection can be done is to perform mammography, breast test by a doctor or nurse and breast self examination (BSE).
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is the type that easily detected by doing a pap smear test every 2 years since sexually active. In addition to the pap smear, this cancer can be detected through a pelvic examination that the doctor will feel every change in shape and size of the uterus, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder and rectum.
Cancer is difficult to detect
Colon cancer (colon) and rectum (anal)
This cancer is generally rather difficult to detect because it requires examination of stool blood tests. This test is to determine the presence of occult blood in feces. A small amount of feces to be tested in the laboratory to find out there is blood in the stool or not because these cancers cause bleeding. But the blood in the stool can also be caused by non-cancer factors, therefore there should be further tests to help diagnosis.
Prostate cancer
Cancer that attacks the men are generally difficult to detect because it does not cause symptoms in early-stage phase. Symptoms will begin to appear at an advanced stage as difficult urination, blood in urine and semen, leg swelling, discomfort in the pelvis and bone pain. Diagnosis through blood tests, doctors examine the shape and size of the prostate as well as through examination of prostate cells.
Lung Cancer
This type is generally difficult to detect cancer at an early stage because it does not cause symptoms. If you have entered into a new advanced stage symptoms such as cough that never stopped, now bleeding, although the numbers are small cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, lose weight for no reason, pain in bones and headaches. Diagnosis through X-ray examination, test cells through sputum or tissue samples.
Pancreatic cancer
This cancer starts in the pancreatic tissue of organs in the abdomen, located at the back of the lower abdomen. This cancer has a poor cure rates even if diagnosed early because it spreads rapidly and is rarely detected at an early stage. Signs and symptoms will not appear until the cancer gets into an advanced stage.
Brain cancer
Symptoms that appear generally vary depending on the location, size and speed of tumor growth. In general, cancer is characterized by changes in the pattern of increased frequency of headache, nausea or vomiting sudden, impaired vision and balance, seizures and hearing loss. This cancer can also be caused due to the spread of cancer in other body regions.