OKLAHOMA GIRLS : Bixby Girl Sells Most Girl Scout Cookies In Oklahoma
OKLAHOMA CITY -- An 11-year-old Bixby girl was honored at the State Capitol Monday for selling more than 3,300 boxes of cookies, more than any other Girl Scout in the state.
"I did nine neighborhoods in the Bixby district, I did a bunch of booth sales and I went to my mom and dad's work, and that's how I sold all those cookies," Kamyrn Good said.
As a reward, Kamryn walked away with a $1,500 college savings account.Oklahoma also picked its favorite flavor of Girl Scout cookies. The vote ended in a tie so the head of Oklahoma elections flipped a coin.Samoas beat out Thin Mints. Kamryn said those are her best sellers.
Sources : http://www.newson6.com/story/14382708/bixby-girl-sells-most-girl-scout-cookies-in-oklahoma
vendredi 8 avril 2011
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» OKLAHOMA GIRLS : Bixby Girl Sells Most Girl Scout Cookies In Oklahoma